Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Reason They Are the Poorest… and How You Should Not Be!

I watched a segment of Fox News several days ago called ‘Freeloader’. It was the first time I had seen this show because it was several wrong clicks away from ‘History Channel’, the cable tv I regularly watched if I can afford the time. The man on the show made a compelling statement. He said the Sioux, a group among the Native American Indians, is the poorest ethic group in the US. They live in reservations that receive a lot of federal financial assistance. He was interviewing this lady-lawyer who said the Sioux was a neglected community and she advocated for a strong lobby to force government to provide more.

However, for each argument the lady-lawyer made, the host would show a small video clip of a successful Sioux individual of the community who made it big in business. And there were several of them. What they said was startlingly consistent: they attained success by not depending on the dole-outs to the reservation. They scratched and scrimped to buy their own lands and set up their own businesses, and resisted freebees of government. 

One guy owned a big, thriving farm in a plush area. His neighbor had a decrepit, unproductive farm in another part of the reservation. He said the difference comes from the confidence in investing money and labor to what is truly your own. And most importantly - knowing that you cannot and should not be dependent (on dole-outs) for your survival.

I have been president of the association of private tertiary-level schools in my province for several years now. I have witnessed through the years some member-schools fold up and close shop. This made me take a hard, cold look at what ails our industry. 

You could say things were bright for them at the onset. They were established by wealthy families. They had the right connections. But they started with one intrinsic, fatal defect: they believed that their endeavor would succeed because they could depend on this state subsidy or that state grant due to the fact that they had the right government connection here and there at one time or the other. Wrong.

Well, this leads me to try and coin the wisdom of these events, not in the most eloquent of terms but in the most dramatic, the better for all of us to remember: “Survivor’s Law: Do not be dependent on others if your survival is at stake.” I know you can improve on this concoction to suit your own taste and experience. Let me know.
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Perry's Apothegm no.106: For Those Who Would Be Kings.

This past week was really hectic. I am involved in a foundation, the SCL (Speed Center for Leadership) that helps send kids to school, and we were designing tour and training packages. This is our IGP (income generating program) for the summer that is fast approaching. We wanted to help fund the foundation in a creative way.

So I made it a point to come to work really early for one week.  This is my contribution to our foundation's effort, knowing that as a private, non-governmental organization, we don't and cannot depend on any  state assistance. We don't have the time to dwell on the things that we cannot change. We can only be thankful for the many others who have given their time, ideas and energy to our advocacy.

But last Wednesday I was late.

I was gearing up for an early jog when I saw "Prince of Persia" playing on cable TV. It gave me the material for Perry's Apothegm no.106 "A good king always seeks counsel; but always listens to his heart."
Perry's Apothegm no.106: For Those Who Would Be Kings.SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Power of Thinking Impossible Thoughts

Perry's Apothegm no.105: 

"If you can think impossible thoughts, you can do impossible things." by Yoram (Jerry) Wind

This is a powerful thought and it can teach you how to think more effectively. It comes from a book I'm reading, "The Power of Impossible Thinking" by Yoram (Jerry) Wind, he is The Lauder Professor; Professor of Marketing; and Founding Director of the Wharton Fellows Program and the SEI Center for Advanced Studies in Management at The Wharton School.

It came with a CD and if I can find the time, I'll try to get some great thoughts in bits of audio that i can send to friends. Listen and learn.


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